
Setting up AI Model Share Credentials

In order to deploy a Model Playground, AI Model Share needs access to create & manage cloud-based resources on your behalf through Amazon Web Services (AWS). This guide shows you how to create an AWS account, access the proper credentials, and create a credentials file to use with the aimodelshare python library.

Step 1: Create an AI Model Share Account

If you already have an AI Model Share account, proceed to the next step.

Create an AI Model Share account by going HERE and following the prompts.

Are you just using your credentials to submit models to a pre-existing playground competition or experiment? You’re done! Get started with any of the Model Submission notebooks.

Step 2: Create an AWS account

If you already have an AWS account, proceed to the next step.

Create an AWS account by going HERE and following the prompts.

Step 3: Create an IAM User & AWS Access Keys

In order for aimodelshare to access your AWS resources, you will need to create IAM credentials for your AWS account.

  • Log in to your AWS account.

  • From the AWS Management Console, Navigate to “Security, Identity, & Compliance” and then “IAM”.

  • In the side menu, navigate to “Access management”, click on “Users”, then click on “Add User” on the right side of the screen.

  • Create a name that you’ll remember, like “aimodelshareadmin”, then enable “programmatic access” by checking the box.

  • On the next screen, click “Attach existing policies directly”, then “AdministratorAccess”.

  • Click Next: Review, then “Create User”.

  • Copy the Access key ID and Secret access key and save them somewhere safe. These are the credentials you will use to link your AI Model Share account to the resources in your AWS account.

Step 4: Create your credentials file

Combine your AI Model Share & AWS credentials into a single ‘credentials.txt’ file with the configure_credentials function. You only have to make the file once, then you can use it whenever you use the aimodelshare library.

Credentials files must follow this format:


You can create this txt file manually or you can automatically create this file by inputting your credentials in response to simple prompts from the configure_credentials() function. The following code will prompt you to provide your credentials one at a time and pre-format a txt file for you to use in the future:

#install aimodelshare library
! pip install aimodelshare

# Generate credentials file
import aimodelshare as ai
from import configure_credentials


Remember to keep your credentials secure! Handle your credentials file with the same level of security you handle your passwords. Do not share your file with anyone, send via email, or upload to Github.

Step 5: Get started!

Now that you have your credentials file, you are ready to work through the AI Model Share Tutorial or one of the Example Notebooks.